This happy household residing in High Street Kensington, Central London is searching for an After-school Nanny to take attentive care of their toddler and school-aged child 5 days a week. They seek a candidate who has experience working with two children at the same time and getting active and engaging well with the children. They would love someone happy, bubbly, and energetic.
The after-school nanny must have a valid first aid qualification.
Working hours: Monday to Friday 3 pm to 7 pm. Additional hours per week for potential babysitting.
Duties include:
Someone who can start this January is what the High Street Kensington, Central London resident is looking for.
If you are interested in this After-school Nanny for 5 days role, please apply and a consultant will contact you with more information.
Job Type Part-Time, Permanent
Salary: £18 to £22 gross per hour
Location: High Street Kensington, Central London