What is a childminder?

Have you ever wanted to care for children? To provide them with a stimulating, educational home away from home setting where they can flourish and thrive? Then becoming a childminder could be the career for you!

A childminder is someone who cares for children within the childminders home. You are responsible for the safety, care, well being and development of children from a number of different families, all of whom may have different religious, cultural and dietary requirements.

As a childminder, you are responsible for planning age appropriate, stimulating activities, a safe and secure environment and a place where parents trust that their children are being cared for in the best way.

As a childminder, you must be registered with Ofsted and comply with the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (for children aged 0-5 years).

Becoming a Childminder

You do not need any formal qualifications to become a childminder but you do need to be aged 18 or over. You also need to be registered with Ofsted if you intend to care for a child or children under the age of eight for more than two hours a day and attend on-going training days.

Your first step to becoming a registered childminder is to contact the E​arly Years team at your Local Authority.​ You will be given information about becoming a childminder, an application pack and details of the early years foundation stage (EYFS).

The EYFS sets out the standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years old. It also lays out the conditions you need to meet for the safety and wellbeing of the child or children under your care.

You will be required to plan and implement activities to assist with children’s development in the following 7 areas:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

To become a childminder, you will need to;

  • Be a homeowner, or have an agreement with the leaseholder of your property to be able to run a business
  • Have an Ofsted home inspection and an interview to make sure you are a suitable person to care for children
  • Have a medical check-up
  • Provide 2, checkable references
  • Complete an introductory training course, such as Little Ones Early Years Care and Education Course, which outlines all aspects of caring for children and an introduction to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework
  • Complete a 12-hour paediatric first-aid course (which needs to be renewed every 3 years)
  • You will also need a police clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) for yourself and anyone else in your home aged over 16
  • Have appropriate insurance cover, including Public Liability Insurance
  • Be self-employed

How much will it cost?

  • Early Years Foundation Stage Framework training is offered by Little Ones for half the price of other training providers at £189.
  • Paediatric First Aid Course offered by Little Ones (£120)
  • Ofsted Registration fees (£35)
  • Insurance (price varies)
  • Set up costs for the work place such as toys, games, and safety equipment for children, kitchen essentials for cooking and eating may cost up to £200

Am I a suitable childminder candidate?

A career in childminding is ideal for those who have a love of caring for and educating children. The position is ideal, for example, for a mother, teacher, nursery worker, nanny or social worker who wishes to establish a business from their own home.

To find out more about our courses call 0207 112 8057.