Safeguarding for Children - OCN Accreditation Level 2

Safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. As a nanny, childminder or nursery practitioner, it is even more important to understand how to spot signs a child may be in trouble, support children to achieve the best outcomes and know who to contact when you have cause for concern.

This 6 hour Safeguarding course will equip you with all this information and more, making it an important course to complete as part of your professional development portfolio.

We can offer this course at our central London office or within your nursery setting.

To learn more about our Course and to book your place, call us on 0207 112 8057.

Upcoming Dates:

  • Saturday 1st April 2023, Please call for more details, £49 for LOUK and £96 for OCN Level 2 - 9 places remaining
Book a Safeguarding Children course now

Please see our Terms and Conditions for further information.