This delightful family residing in Little Marlow, Marlow is searching for a Nanny-Housekeeper to provide childcare assistance to their three school-aged children for a live-out role. A qualified candidate will get paid a salary of £17 to £20 gross per hour. They particularly seek someone organised and hardworking who will take charge of all general housekeeping duties. Cooking and preparing healthy meals for the whole family is part of the job as well. Someone who speaks English fluently is essential.
A nanny housekeeper must have a valid first aid qualification.
Working hours: Monday to Friday from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm approximately 35 hours per week, plus babysitting in the evenings and weekends would be a huge bonus.
Duties include:
They are looking for someone available as soon as possible but are willing to wait for the right candidate.
If you are interested in this Nanny-Housekeeper for live-out role, £17 to £20 gross per hour role, please apply and a consultant will contact you with more information.
Job Type: Full time, Permanent
Salary: £17 to £20 gross per hour
Location: Little Marlow, Marlow