This happy household residing in High Street Kensington, Central London is searching for an After-school Nanny to take attentive care of their toddler and school-aged child 5 days a week. They are looking for someone experienced in managing two children simultaneously and who can actively engage with and entertain them. Ideally, they desire a candidate who exudes happiness, positivity, and energy.
The after-school nanny must have a valid first aid qualification.
Working hours: Monday to Friday 3 pm to 7 pm. Additional hours per week for potential babysitting.
Duties include:
Someone who can start as soon as possible is what the High Street Kensington, Central London resident is looking for.
If you are interested in this After-school Nanny in High Street Kensington role, please apply and a consultant will contact you with more information.
Job Type Part-Time, Permanent
Salary: £18 to £23 gross per hour
Location: High Street Kensington, Central London